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🩵 Great place to work

Program goal

Why | A thriving workplace isn't just about great perks; it's about a culture where every voice is heard and valued. According to recent studies, companies that actively engage with their employees see a 21% increase in profitability and a 41% reduction in absenteeism. Yet, only 29% of employees feel that their feedback is acted upon. What | The "Great Place to Work" program is designed to bridge the gap between HR and employees, fostering open communication and collaboration to continuously enhance the employee experience. By connecting HR representatives with employees across different departments, we aim to gather diverse perspectives and actionable feedback that can drive positive changes in the workplace. How | Each week, one HR representative will be matched with two employees from the same office to engage in a casual, yet meaningful conversation about their work environment, challenges, and ideas for improvement. (Only 2 employees are selected each week).

Program setup

Groups of 2
Connections every 1 week(s)

Programs benefits

Gain unfiltered insights into employee experiences and concerns.
Spot patterns and emerging issues early to proactively address them.
Build stronger connections with employees, fostering a culture of open communication.
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