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🦋 Mentoring program

Program goal

Why | Mentorship has become a top priority in Learning and Development. These programs benefit mentors and mentees, align with organizational goals like retention and diversity, and offer a clear return on investment by reducing turnover costs, as shown in studies like Gartner's at Sun Microsystems. What | This mentoring program uses our intelligent « Group Composer » pairing algorithm to match mentors and mentees, based on a chosen skills or area of interest, for a period of 6 months. Through regular exchanges, mentees receive personalized advice on how to achieve their goals while developing their professional network. Mentors see this as an opportunity to hone their leadership skills, and gain new perspectives and ideas (reverse mentoring) through their exchanges with their buddy. How | Read the following article for a step-by-step implementation guide! (Option 1 - With strict groups)

Program setup

Groups of 2
One shot

Programs benefits

Provides employees with the tools and support they need to become better at their roles.
Greater knowledge-sharing and collaboration.
Gives employees the opportunity to grow and develop within the organization.
👉 Start from this program

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